
Monday, April 29, 2013


Minggu, 28 April 2013

12.00-15.30 WIB
BAKORWIL eks Karesidenan Kedu
Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro No.1 Magelang
(dekat Alun-Alun Kota Magelang) 

CP Ratih: 0838 6945 9195 

dalam rangka memperingati HUT Kota Megelang ke-1107, kami mengadakan berbagai acara yang diantaranya adalah Lomba COSPLAY. 

1. Individu atau team, maksimal 3orang. (Pendaftaran perseorangan @Rp10.000,-)
2. Kostum dan aksesoris tidak berbahaya.
3. Durasi tampil maksimal 3menit
4. Genre: Umum.
5. Poin penilaian: kostum dan perform 50:50
6. Tidak ada pembatasan kuota peserta 

JUARA I Trophy + Uang Rp.500.000,-
JUARA II Trophy + Uang Rp.400.000,-
JUARA III Trophy + Uang Rp.300.000,- 

Pendaftaran dibuka mulai Senin 8 April 2013. Pendaftaran ditutup pada Jumat, 26 April 2013 
Pendaftaran di Terminal Tiket, Ruko Tandan Raya C6 Janti Yogyakarta (utara perempatan Ringroad Jl. Wonosari) pada jam kerja. 
Peserta COSPLAY membawa BGM dengan durasi maksimal 3menit dan print karakter yang diCOSPLAYkan.

Untuk peserta dari Magelang (dan atau diluar kota Yogyakarta) silakan mendaftar via sms kemudian mengirim BGM dan gambar karakter via email: 

Daftar ulang pada hari H di Magelang sebelum pukul 11.00 WIB 

Untuk Perhatian: 
1.Peserta tampil sesuai urutan pendaftaran.
2.Peserta wajib menjaga barang masing-masing. Panitia tidak bertanggungjawab jika terjadi kehilangan barang. 
3.Peserta mengikuti jalannya acara sesuai ketentuan dan rundown dari panitia. 
4.Hasil keputusan juri adalah mutlak dan tidak bisa diganggu gugat. 
5.Pengumuman pemenang diberitahukan sekitar pukul 15.00 WIB. Peserta diharap tetap memakai kostum cosplay lengkap sampai saat pengumuman. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

[Race Queen] Choi Seul Gi

Choi Seul Gi's profile:
Other Name(s): Choi Seul Ki
Origin: South Korea
Occupation: model, race queen

Choi Seul Ki is born at February 13, 1986. A beautiful and sexy Asian race queen and model from South Korea , she is 170cm tall and have very cute face. Just like other race queen, she had perfect body and photogenic face. Choi Seul Ki photo's is saved by many netter in the world, specially for the boys.

One thing many people overlooked, is that this smoking babe do have some serious firepower. Beside, Hwang Mi Hee and Seo you Jin, Choi Seul Ki is my favorite race queen and i believe, she is your favorite also.

In Korean racing and automotive world, Choi Seul Ki is a name widely admired. Because she has some very amazing legs!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

[Tutorial] How To Draw An Ear

It started when I read an article about an Indonesian drawing artist who've been contracted by DC Comic. Then I browsed his works and they're awesome. Seeing all those pictures bring back my memory how I like drawing comic characters and it has been a very long time since I draw comic characters. So, I searched youtube for some tutorial on how to draw manga or comic and I find these video. I hope you enjoy watching it like I do.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

[Cosplay Chara] Queen's Blade Airi

Airi (アイリ) is a wraith summoned by The Swamp Witch, to kill her enemies in the Queen's Blade Tournament. Airi is totally devoted to her mistress, the Swamp Witch, much more so than Menace or Melona. She can suck away the life energy of her enemies simply by touching them.

Airi has long, red hair in twintails and blue-green eyes. She is always seen wearing a french maid outfit and wielding a large scythe.

Airi is a calm and reserved person, who is generally kind but will attack people if need be. Her kindness, however, can get in the way sometimes, as a wraith, she must feed on others' life force. She is also very dedicated to the duties given to her by The Swamp Witch.

Airi is a powerful combatant, able to wield her scythe with great accuracy. Airi can summon "lesser spirits" to entrap enemies, summoning a multitude of ghost-like beings to hold down a foe. Although she is capable of flight, Airi usually prefers close range combat, so she can consume her opponent's life force. When Airi drains life force, she needs to be near enemies- the life energy flows from the opponents' mouth into Airi's mouth, and Airi usually accomplishes this through a kiss. To escape a losing battle, Airi will become incorporeal, although it can take a few seconds to accomplish. When Airi assumes incorporiety, her maid costume disappears, leaving a white set of undergarments, and then her clothes disappear, and then she herself disappears as well. Airi also possesses rapid regeneration abilities (Although not like Melona's regeneration, which is due to her amorphous nature)- her injuries healing quite quickly after attacks. Her outfit is also tied to her health status and concentration, and will vanish if she is relaxed or low on energy.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cosplay Final Fantasy Versus XIII 'dirilis' dahului game aslinya

Memang belum ada penjelasan resmi dari pihak Square Enix tentang perilisan Final Fantasy XIII VERSUS (FFVXIII), namun cosplay tentang game satu ini lebih dahulu banyak 'dirilis.'

Dalam berita sebelumnya, ada rumor yang mengatakan bahwa Square Enix tidak mempunyai rencana untuk merilis FFVXIII, namun dengan cepat mereka membantah hal tersebut.

Square Enix menyatakan bahwa mereka akan tetap meluncukan FFVXIII. Sayangnya mereka masih menyembunyikan jadwal perilisannya.

Uniknya, walaupun dirilis secara resmi dan namun beberapa karakter di game tersebut justru 'hidup' terlebih dahulu. Banyak cosplayer, sebutan untuk pemeran cosplay atau costume play, yang justru berdandan seperti karakter di FFVXIII yang sampai sekarang belum diketahui dengan jelas tersebut.

Kotaku (29/03) melansir bahwa ada kemungkinan para cosplayer ini tidak terlalu mempedulikan sudah atau belumnya game tersebut dirilis. Mereka hanya terpaku pada bagaimana menjadikan diri mereka seperti sosok salah satu karakter di game tersebut.

Kabar lain mengatakan bahwa ada kemungkinan FFVXIII ini hanya dibuat khusus untuk pengguna PlayStation 3 saja. Belum ada konfirmasi resmi seputar game satu ini.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Jakarta Hobby Festival 2013

WAKTU: 4-5 Mei 2013 (2 Hari)
TEMPAT: PRJ Kemayoran (Gambir Expo), Jakarta.
BUKA: 10.00 WIB
TUTUP: 21.00 WIB
PENYELENGGARA: Inotaku Enterprise & JIExpo
PENGUNJUNG: Terbuka untuk umum, cosplayer, komunitas hobi, pelajar, keluarga, dll.
HTM: Rp. 25.000,- / orang (dijual on the spot)
Official site:
Twitter: @indocosplay
Twitter: @haracosu


Terbuka untuk umum dan seluruh komunitas kreatif trend & popculture. Dan dapatkan Diskon Khusus Stand Pameran hanya sampai dengan 31 Maret 2013. Tersedia stand untuk pameran berbagai produk toys, action figure, accessories, food, dll.

PENDAFTARAN STAND: 0856 202 1010 dan 081-812-9869
Segeralah mendaftar supaya sedini mungkin mendapatkan harga diskon & lokasi strategis sedini mungkin
